Hey y'all!
This week was great :) I loved it. We had the car
for the last half of the week so that was really nice! Oh also, the Hermanas
have been living with us because their apartment is being renovated. Like it's
being remodeled COMPLETELY. New everything! It'll be SUPER nice when it's
done...but for now...they're living with us in our teeeeeny little apartment :)
As one of the elders said "it's like a box. Full of estrogen... *evil laughs*"
Hahaha but he's got that right......haha it's hilarious. #thescruggle. At first
I was like "AHHH CLAUSTROPHOBIC!" But now I'm so used to it...it's like whatever
haha. So that's been fun! Anywho!
Monday: We literally spent all
day with the Waid family. We didn't have the car, so this family drove us to the
store to go shopping and they took us to their house so we could do laundry at
their house, and then they fed us lunch AND dinner. Basically they're the best
family ever. And they have this super awesome piano that's super old and I
played it for a solid hour I think. It was great. I miss the piano so much. But
it was great. Ha so that was that!
Tuesday: I wasn't feeling
well....apparently Tuesdays are just rough....we just fail at it haha. As E.
Weiss would say "Do you even Tuesday?" Haha so funny...so basically we spent the
day taking it easy. We cleaned the apartment and got rid of all the dust bunnies
and stuff. It felt A LOT better afterwards. That was really nice. Later that
night we had a lesson with our investigator, Ken. (The one we gave a church tour
to) and we were able to resolve a couple of his concerns and review the
Restoration with him. It was great! Really good lesson, full of the spirit. He
told us that he will most definitely come to church with us sometime in March.
(He's really busy with work and everything...he's in the military! I found my
link to the military here!! Hahaha it literally follows me...) Anywho, so that's
Wednesday: We had zone training and it was super good! We
also had exchanges and I had to be in charge of the area for the day. Which was
actually a whole lot better than I thought it was going to be....just because
I've only been here for a couple weeks now. But it was good! We survived and
made it to all of our appointments!! YAY! I can do hard things :) (Least that's
what I had to keep telling myself....hahaha) Also, thank goodness for GPS's. I
don't know how I would survive without them. I went with Hermana Fisher and we
had a great time :) She's like literally perfect and I learned a ton from her!
Thursday: We saw Sara Beth again! She's so great. I love her. We
talked a lot about the apostasy and just cleared some things up with her. It was
really good. And by the end of it she invited us back (keyword: SHE) before we
could ask her when we could come back and then when we said this time next week
works she reminded us that we had asked her last time if her husband would be
interested in listening. So she said if we want him to be there, evenings would
work better. So we picked Saturday and then she was all like, "can i make dinner
for y'all?" And we were like yes! It was literally the sweetest thing. I just
love her so much. Miracles family! Tracting does work! We'll be teaching a
FAMILY by the end of the week!!! YASSSSSS! So great.
Friday: We
contacted a ton of referrals...we keep getting so many of them that it's getting
hard to keep up! So we did that. It was a lot of driving and nobody really
answered their door...but one of these days!
Saturday: We contacted
some more referrals! AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY LET US IN! Ha so the elders gave us a
referral about a week ago for a woman named Susan. They tracted into her and she
told them to come back because she wasn't feeling well and because it was a
single older woman they told us to go back instead of them. So we did! And we
were able to meet her and get to know her and we had a GREAT visit with her! We
found out that she had actually taken the discussions about 10 years ago! And
she's excited to take them again :) We gave her a Book of Mormon and she was so
excited to have a copy of it. She said that when she moved here she couldn't
take any of her books..so alas, her copy of the BoM was in that pile of books.
She told us that she would read as much as she could from it by the time we come
see her next! So that was awesome!! And then later on that night we contacted
one of the Church Headquarters referrals and we knocked on her door (this was
like the 4th time...) and we heard someone on the inside! So we talked with her
through the door cause she wouldn't open it and then once she realized we really
were innocent little missionaries freezing in the cold, she let us in haha. It
was cute :) But we gave her the Bible that she ordered and she appreciated that.
And we also gave her a Book of Mormon and we taught her all about it in such a
way that she wants us to come back to talk to her more about it when it's not so
late at night! Another miracle that day. So good. So we got 2 new investigators
on Saturday! YAY! Seriously awesome.
Sunday: Church was wonderful
as per usual! We spent another day contacting some people...with no such luck.
But we stopped by the Clements' and had a great time with them as per usual!! It
was awesome. They're my family here in Raleigh!! There's always at least one
family in each area that you get super close with. (We got the Borabora's and
the Horn's in Ft. Bragg, the Murphy's and the Fuit's in good ol' J-ville, and
the Clements here..I love it!)
So basically, this week was pretty
great! Nothing TOO crazy happened...but it was still a wonderful missionary full
week :)
I hope you all had a great week and I hope this one is
even better! Know that I love you tons and I pray for you always.
37:36-37 -- PRAY ALWAYS! About everything! Talk to Heavenly Father like He's
right there in front of you because in the grand scheme of things He totally is.
He's right there, willing to help out in any way that He can. Let Him in. Talk
to Him. Let Him help.
I love you all and miss you tons! Keep on
keepin' strong. And never forget to smile :)
Sister Blumel
xoxoxo <3
PS I forgot to explain the subject line. duurrr. Okay. So basically
here in the south...if you find the black people that have been in the south for
their whole life they tend to replace any str sound with scr. So it's right up
the screet. Or it's scraight up the screet. Hahah it's so funny. We haven't
actually heard anyone say "scruggle" but it fits....and so us and the R2 elders
use it all the time hahaha. I LOVE THE SOUTH.
Our car was literally an icecube this morning. So these are some selfies
from Hermana Fisher's camera :)
#iamliterallyrudolph..... |
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